...DreamZ c0me trUe...

We're like hot air balloons.. in order to fly higher n higher.. we have to abandon certain things..

Montag, September 01, 2008

New York New York


  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger 소영*ling said…

    Weijie!!!!!!!!!! xiaoling here~ hows everything in Boston? great that you are having fun... i miss you already neh~ hope that we still keep in contact often neh~ take care~ eat well ^o^

  • At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…


    Boston is great! I like the city, not too overly vibrant but it's special in its own sense..juz a bit too touristy sometimes for my liking. =p i miss u too..i might be in europe this winter..so if u're still there, maybe we can plan a short trip tog! ;)

  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Hey weijie,

    Boston and New York look very fun! Any chance i can go there for a visit in June next year? LOL!!!

    Shi Qian

  • At 3:01 AM, Blogger jie said…

    haha yup sure! welcome anytime! I would love to go NY again! =D


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