Our very own Singapore party! 030506
We had our Singapore party ytd! There were loads n loads of good food!! z.B lw's pig trotters, khim's chay kuay teow, alvin's famous fried rice, ling's wanton mee + popiah, yan's fried tang yuan, zoe's fried dumplings, michelle's green bean soup n of coz, my ban jian kuey! aber my ban jian kuey look more like crepes..erm..i really tried..spend lie 30 min in the supermarket tat morning trying to figure out which type of flour i sld buy until i finally gave up n consulted the supermarket person. but he have keine ahnung wat self-raising flour is..but luckily it tasted ok. =) haha ok back to the party..We invited the Spanish, Italians, French..n i can see they really eat till full full n we taught them how to use the chopsticks. some of them can even hold the chopsticks better den me now! = o we had so much fun eating drinking n chatting till late! ling was slightly tipsy n gathered the courage to take a photo with yosu. I definitely agree with her tat he has a special charm indeed. =) looking forward to the Italien party!
At 7:15 PM,
Anonym said…
Wei g can cook!!! i must try out ur cooking someday. (:
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